Results for 'Se Jin Oh'

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  1.  24
    What Drives Task Performance During Animal Fluency in People With Alzheimer’s Disease?Adrià Rofes, Vânia de Aguiar, Roel Jonkers, Se Jin Oh, Gayle DeDe & Jee Eun Sung - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
  2. Minisymposia-XV Approaches or Methods of Security Engineering (AMSE)-Efficient Key Distribution Protocol for Electronic Commerce in Mobile Communications.Jin Kwak, Soohyun Oh & Dongho Won - 2006 - In O. Stock & M. Schaerf, Lecture Notes In Computer Science. Springer Verlag. pp. 3732--1009.
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    Jaspers und die philosophische Praxis in Korea.Jin-Oh Lee - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 25:151-152.
    Mit dem oben genannten Thema will ich darstellen, dass Jaspers’ Philosophie, die ehemals in Korea sehr beliebt war, aber heute fast in Vergessenheit geraten ist, mit ihren Ansätzen in Bezug auf die philosophische Praxis ihre philosophische Bedeutung in Korea wieder unter Beweis stellen kann.
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    On Development of Bioenergy and Convergence of Academic Disciplines.Yeung-Jin Oh & Won Gun An - 2013 - Environmental Philosophy 16:189-234.
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    Report on the Participation in 28th IVR World Congress in Lisbon, Portugal in 2017.Byung-Sun Oh & Jin-Sook Yun - 2017 - Korean Journal of Legal Philosophy 20 (3):343-348.
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    A Study on the Theories of Sense and Perception of Hyegang Choi Han-gi.Lee Jin Oh - 2013 - 동서철학연구(Dong Seo Cheol Hak Yeon Gu; Studies in Philosophy East-West) 69:69-92.
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    Park Se-Chae(1631∼1695)’s Compilation of the Work of Yi-i and the Characteristics.Se-Hyun Oh - 2020 - Cogito 92:177-210.
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    Consensus protocol design for discrete-time networks of multiagent with time-varying delay via logarithmic quantizer.Myeong Jin Park, Oh Min Kwon, Seong Gon Choi & Eun Jong Cha - 2016 - Complexity 21 (1):163-176.
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    Relationship of neurocognitive ability, perspective taking, and psychoticism with hostile attribution bias in non-clinical participants: Theory of mind as a mediator.Se Jun Koo, Ye Jin Kim, Eunchong Seo, Hye Yoon Park, Jee Eun Min, Minji Bang, Jin Young Park, Eun Lee & Suk Kyoon An - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    ObjectivesHostile attribution bias is reportedly common from non-clinical population to those with serious mental illness, such as schizophrenia, and is known to be closely related to theory of mind. This study aimed to investigate whether ToM skills mediate the relationship among neurocognitive ability, personality traits, and attribution bias.MethodsA total of 198 non-clinical youths were recruited. To assess their neurocognitive ability and ToM skills, the participants were asked to complete Raven’s Standard Progressive Matrices and the Korean version of the Reading the (...)
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    Compositional dependence of the deformation behaviour of ultrahigh-purity Ti–Al alloys.Sung G. Pyo ¶, Jin Keun Oh, M. S. Yoo, Nack J. Kim & M. Yamaguchi - 2004 - Philosophical Magazine 84 (28):3001-3017.
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    Is Deep Acting Prevalent in Socially Responsible Companies? The Effects of CSR Perception on Emotional Labor Strategies.Se Hyung Oh, Yein Hwang & Hwayoung Kim - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Effects of Organizational Embeddedness on Unethical Pro-organizational Behavior: Roles of Perceived Status and Ethical Leadership.Junghyun Lee, Se-Hyung Oh & Sanghee Park - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 176 (1):111-125.
    This study examines why individuals who are deeply embedded in the organization may engage in unethical pro-organizational behavior (UPB). Drawing from social identity theory and self-affirmation theory, we propose that deeply embedded employees may engage in UPB as a way of promoting or maintaining their status in the organization. We further propose that this positive relationship between organizational embeddedness and UPB, mediated through status perceptions, is stronger for employees working under managers who display low levels of ethical leadership. Using data (...)
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  13.  5
    Genuine CSR motive and organizational attractiveness: The effects of a Company's inconsistent CSR behaviors on moral jobseekers.Kihyon Kim, JiHoon Jhang & Se-Hyung Oh - forthcoming - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility.
    Research on recruitment shows that jobseekers display positive attitudinal and behavioral responses to potential employers' corporate social responsibility (CSR), while corporate social irresponsibility (CSI) works contrariwise. However, few studies have examined how jobseekers react to companies that show the two attributes in an inconsistent way. This study investigates how jobseekers' perceptions of a company, shaped by its CSR history, are changed based on its recent CSR/CSI practices. It also examines how jobseekers' moral traits affect their perceptions of and behavioral intentions (...)
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    Comparison of the end-of-life decisions of patients with hospital-acquired pneumonia after the enforcement of the life-sustaining treatment decision act in Korea.Moon Seong Baek, Kyeongman Jeon, Kyung Hoon Min, Jee Youn Oh, Jae Young Moon, Kwang Ha Yoo, Beomsu Shin, Hyun-Il Gil, Heung Bum Lee, Youjin Chang, Jin Hyoung Kim, Woo Hyun Cho, Hyun-Kyung Lee, Changhwan Kim, Hye Kyeong Park, Soohyun Bae, Sang-Bum Hong & Ae-Rin Baek - 2023 - BMC Medical Ethics 24 (1):1-10.
    BackgroundAlthough the Life-Sustaining Treatment (LST) Decision Act was enforced in 2018 in Korea, data on whether it is well established in actual clinical settings are limited. Hospital-acquired pneumonia (HAP) is a common nosocomial infection with high mortality. However, there are limited data on the end-of-life (EOL) decision of patients with HAP. Therefore, we aimed to examine clinical characteristics and outcomes according to the EOL decision for patients with HAP.MethodsThis multicenter study enrolled patients with HAP at 16 referral hospitals retrospectively from (...)
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  15.  27
    Chinese Islam’s understanding of Zhongxiao 忠孝: Jin Tian-zhu’s 金天柱 Qing Zhen Shi Yi 清眞釋疑.Lee Oh Ryun - 2023 - Asian Philosophy 33 (2):163-175.
    The scholar Jin Tian-zhu (1690 ~ 1765) was a Muslim of the Hui 回 ethnic group in the Qing dynasty who adhered to Islamic traditions handed down from generation to generation. In Qing Zhen Shi Yi, Jin Tian-zhu attempts to combine Confucianism and Islam through a simple comparison of their rituals. Jin Tian-zhu expresses his respect for Allah by attesting Allah’s existence and insisting that humans should obey Allah. He admits that in reality, besides Allah, the ruler is also clearly (...)
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  16. Association of resting-state theta–gamma coupling with selective visual attention in children with tic disorders.Ji Seon Ahn, Kyungun Jhung, Jooyoung Oh, Jaeseok Heo, Jae-Jin Kim & Jin Young Park - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:1017703.
    A tic disorder (TD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by tics, which are repetitive movements and/or vocalizations that occur due to aberrant sensory gating. Its pathophysiology involves dysfunction in multiple parts of the cortico-striato-thalamo-cortical circuits. Spontaneous brain activity during the resting state can be used to evaluate the baseline brain state, and it is associated with various aspects of behavior and cognitive processes. Theta–gamma coupling (TGC) is an emerging technique for examining how neural networks process information through interactions. However, the (...)
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    Hwa Yol Jung and the Question of Comparative Philosophy: A Review of Hwa Yol Jung’s Transversal Rationality and Intercultural Texts: Ohio University Press, Athens, OH, 2011, 400 pp, + index. [REVIEW]Jin Y. Park - 2013 - Human Studies 36 (4):599-606.
    A TrajectoryIn an essay that is now a classic piece in understanding post-modern culture, Jean-François Lyotard wrote, “[e]clecticism is the degree zero of contemporary general culture: one listens to reggae, watches a western, eats McDonald’s food for lunch and local cuisine for dinner, wears Paris perfume in Tokyo and ‘retro’ clothes in Hong Kong” (Lyotard 1989: 76). The boundaries have become blurred in both positive and negative senses. Geographical borders have loosened through ever-increasing mobility as cultural exchanges become more accessible (...)
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  18. Une société civile mondiale est-elle possible ? Le cosmopolitisme et l'avenir de la démocratie.Jin-Woo Lee - 2009 - Synthesis Philosophica 24 (1):49-63.
    Mon étude s’inspire de la thèse suivante : que la philosophie construit son objet seulement à partir d’une certaine perspective normative. La question philosophique du cosmopolitisme – comment établir par le biais de la morale universelle l’association des « citoyens du monde » libres et égaux – ne fonde qu’un horizon normatif d’attentes qui attire le regard sur une réalité irrationnelle. La réalité irrationnelle se caractérise par la notion de « société mondiale du risque », introduite par Ulrich Beck pour (...)
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  19.  12
    How Does Corporate Social Responsibility Affect Sustainability of Social Enterprises in Korea?Chenglin Qing & Shanyue Jin - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Social enterprises are a new concept, integrating corporate profitability and social purposes. SEs seek to realize sustainable social values, rather than short-term profits. It is therefore important to study the factors that affect the sustainable management of SEs. Corporate social responsibility is known to improve corporate image and performance; it can also promote the sustainable development of companies. Innovation has been described as the driving force behind corporate growth and ultimate performance. This study aims to investigate whether CSR can affect (...)
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  20.  22
    (1 other version)À LA RECHERCHE D'UN MODE DE DÉLIBÉRATION À LA CORÉENNE: LE NEIS : Société Civile et Internet en Chine et Asie Orientale.Jin-Rang Lee - 2009 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 55 (3):145.
    La communication sur le projet d'informatisation dans le secteur de l'éducation, le National Education Information System montre comment la société civile en Corée du Sud a réussi à faire valoir ses revendications, bien qu'elle soit souvent exclue du processus institutionnel de décision politique. Les trois principaux acteurs , à la recherche d'un compromis, ont débattu sur la protection des données personnelles et sur l'efficacité administrative en utilisant de multiples moyens de communication.Communication on the computerization project in the education sector, the (...)
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  21.  26
    Neural Correlate Differences in Number Sense Between Children With Low and Middle/High Socioeconomic Status.Qing Bao, Li Jin Zhang, Yuan Liang, Yan Bang Zhou & Gui Li Shi - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Although some cognitive studies provided reasons that children with low socioeconomic status (SES) showed poor mathematical achievements, there was no explicit evidence to directly explain the root of lagged performance in children with low SES. Therefore, the present study explored the differences in neural correlates in the process of symbolic magnitude comparison between children with different SES by the event-related potentials (ERP). A total of 16 second graders from low SES families and 16 from middle/high SES families participated in this (...)
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  22.  21
    Modernité compressée, mémoires et lieux dans deux villes d’eau : Tongli et Zhenze.Chen Jin - 2017 - Temporalités 26.
    Nous analysons ici la dimension temporelle-spatiale de la « modernité compressée », concept inventé et developpé par le sociologue coréen Chang Kyung-Sup. Nous examinons les rapports entre les récits individuels et les lieux urbains typiques de deux villes d’eau, Tongli et Zhenze, situées dans le sud de la province de Jiangsu, sans négliger les dynamiques culturelle et sociale concernant le développement du tourisme et la protection du « patrimoine culturel » local. L’enchâssement, le dé-senchâssement et le ré-enchâssement des mémoires et (...)
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  23.  22
    Winning the Heart and Shaping the Mind with “Serious Play”: The Efficacy of Social Entrepreneurship Comics as Ethical Business Pedagogy.Yanto Chandra & Qian Jin - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 188 (3):441-465.
    Social entrepreneurship (SE) is gaining increasing legitimacy as a form of ethical business practice and a solution to various societal challenges. Despite the burgeoning interest in SE in the realms of ethical business scholarship and business ethics education, new pedagogical developments have been limited. To advance SE pedagogy, we produced a new multimedia-based tool consisting of two SE-focused comics and evaluated their efficacy in “winning the hearts and shaping the minds” of learners in an experimental setting. We tested the effects (...)
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  24.  15
    A Difference of Past Self-Evaluation Between College Students With Low and High Socioeconomic Status: Evidence From Event-Related Potentials.Xinlei Zang, Kaige Jin & Feng Zhang - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Socioeconomic status refers to the social position or class according to their material and non-material social resources. We conducted a study with 60 college students to explore whether SES affects past self-evaluation and used event-related potentials in a self-reference task that required participants to judge whether the trait adjectives describing themselves 5 years ago were appropriate for them. Behavioral data showed that individuals’ positive past self-evaluations were significantly higher than individuals’ negative past self-evaluations, regardless of high or low SES. Individuals (...)
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  25. The Development and Implementation of a Quality Improvement Review Committee (QIRC): An Ethical and Pragmatic Imperative.Sarah E. McMillan, Sarah Tosoni, Kerry-Ann Smith, Betty Chau, Paul Oh, Catriona Steele, Lucas B. Chartier & Ann Heesters - 2024 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 7 (4):14-20.
    Contexte : Dans les systèmes de santé universitaires complexes, les projets d’amélioration de la qualité (AQ) destinés à améliorer les soins et l’apprentissage prolifèrent, mais il existe des différences considérables quant à la manière dont ces projets sont supervisés sur le plan éthique, voire même s’ils le sont. À la suite d’un volume élevé de projets soumis à l’un de nos comités d’éthique de la recherche (CER), mais considérés comme n’étant pas de la recherche et donc non éligibles à un (...)
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  26.  14
    Basin of Attraction Analysis of New Memristor-Based Fractional-Order Chaotic System.Long Ding, Li Cui, Fei Yu & Jie Jin - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-9.
    Memristor is the fourth basic electronic element discovered in addition to resistor, capacitor, and inductor. It is a nonlinear gadget with memory features which can be used for realizing chaotic, memory, neural network, and other similar circuits and systems. In this paper, a novel memristor-based fractional-order chaotic system is presented, and this chaotic system is taken as an example to analyze its dynamic characteristics. First, we used Adomian algorithm to solve the proposed fractional-order chaotic system and yield a chaotic phase (...)
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    « Des objets mêmes! oh, que nous n’y sommes pas! » Malebranche, sur l’esprit stupide et ses ténèbres.Roland Breeur - 2022 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 299 (1):27-43.
    Comme Descartes, Malebranche réduit le concept de la stupidité à celui de l’erreur. Mais il y introduit une notion qui déborde le cadre cartésien, celle de ténèbres. L’âme ou le cogito n’est pas une idée claire et distincte, mais un « sentiment intérieur ». C’est de ces ténèbres que remontent les confusions qui caractérisent la bêtise : notre âme n’est que pure modification de soi qui dans sa dynamique auto-affective emporte avec elle les distinctions fondamentales autour desquelles s’établissent aussi bien (...)
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    Ju jiao xue sheng jiao se: xian jin xue sheng jia zhi qing xiang wen ti = JUJIAO XUESHENG JUESE.Guisheng Chen - 2011 - Beijing: Jiao yu ke xue chu ban she.
  29. Jinofobyay Ocelan: r̄exne le "têzekanî jinolojî" sebaret be meseley jin u sêksî w azadî.Aso Kamāl - 2018 - Silêmanî, Herêmî Kurdistan [Iraq]: Aso Kamāl.
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    The relationship between the debate on the monetary system during the Eastern Jin and Southern Dynasties and East Zhejiang economic region.Yi Yang, Jie Tong & Zhou Chan - 2023 - Trans/Form/Ação 46 (spe):349-360.
    Resumo: Não apenas as famílias aristocráticas indígenas, mas também as famílias de imigrantes do norte que viviam no Leste de Zhejiang, estavam envolvidas nos debates sobre teoria monetária e pensamento político, na Dinastia Jin Oriental e Dinastias do Sul. Os debates geralmente se concentravam nos preços das commodities e no trabalho forçado no Leste de Zhejiang. Esse fenômeno histórico especial reflete duas questões. Por um lado, o caos causado pela guerra no Norte e as famílias de estudiosos, migrando para o (...)
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  31. Miserere. Estetyka terroru.Antonio Incampo - 2011 - Avant: Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies 2 (2):111-118.
    I say: “Oh, what a beautiful surrealist picture!” With quite precise awareness: this páthos, these emotions of mine do not stem from our common sense. An aesthetic judgment is founded on an immediate subjective intuition: an emotion or a free feeling of a single subject towards an object. A universal sense, possibly. Some judgments of ours in ethics and in law are no different from our perceptions in front of art. It would be the same for a hypothetical sentence of (...)
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  32. Grande Sertão: Veredas by João Guimarães Rosa.Felipe W. Martinez, Nancy Fumero & Ben Segal - 2013 - Continent 3 (1):27-43.
    INTRODUCTION BY NANCY FUMERO What is a translation that stalls comprehension? That, when read, parsed, obfuscates comprehension through any language – English, Portuguese. It is inevitable that readers expect fidelity from translations. That language mirror with a sort of precision that enables the reader to become of another location, condition, to grasp in English in a similar vein as readers of Portuguese might from João Guimarães Rosa’s GRANDE SERTÃO: VEREDAS. There is the expectation that translations enable mobility. That what was (...)
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    Poétique de la Terre: histoire naturelle et histoire humaine, essai de mésologie.Augustin Berque - 2014 - Paris: Belin.
    Renaturer la culture, reculturer la nature, par l'histoire : tel est le propos de ce livre. Il commence, en première partie, par la question du sujet, en montrant que l'exaltation du sujet individuel moderne a entraîné une décosmisation qui à terme est mortelle, car aucun être ne peut vivre sans un monde commun (kosmos). Nous devons donc recosmiser notre existence. La seconde partie montre que l'arrêt sur objet propre à la modernité aboutit à dépouiller les choses de leur sens, faisant (...)
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  34. The Garage (Take One).Sean Smith - 2013 - Continent 3 (2):70-87.
    This piece, included in the drift special issue of continent. , was created as one step in a thread of inquiry. While each of the contributions to drift stand on their own, the project was an attempt to follow a line of theoretical inquiry as it passed through time and the postal service(s) from October 2012 until May 2013. This issue hosts two threads: between space & place and between intention & attention . The editors recommend that to experience the (...)
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  35. The Gravity of Pure Forces.Nico Jenkins - 2011 - Continent 1 (1):60-67.
    continent. 1.1 (2011): 60-67. At the beginning of Martin Heidegger’s lecture “Time and Being,” presented to the University of Freiburg in 1962, he cautions against, it would seem, the requirement that philosophy make sense, or be necessarily responsible (Stambaugh, 1972). At that time Heidegger's project focused on thinking as thinking and in order to elucidate his ideas he drew comparisons between his project and two paintings by Paul Klee as well with a poem by Georg Trakl. In front of Klee's (...)
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    (1 other version)Irwin, William. Seinfeld E a filosofia: Um livro sobre tudo E nada; tradução Marcos malvazzi Leal, são Paulo: Madras, 2004.Ruan Pedro Gonçalves Moraes - 2016 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 17 (14):95-103.
    William Irwin é Professor de Filosofia no King's College em Wilkes-Barre Pensilvânia, nasceu em 1970 e residiu em Yonkers, New York. Entrou na Regis High School em Manhattan, uma instituição Jesuíta, graduando-se em 1988. Graduou-se em Filosofia na Universidade Fordham em 1992, tendo frequentado Fordham com uma bolsa presidencial completa. Ele recebeu seu Ph.D. em Filosofia pela Universidade de Buffalo, a Universidade Estadual de Nova York, em 1996, aos 26 anos. A dissertação de Irwin, Harmonizing Hermeneutics: The Normative and Descriptive (...)
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    Le paradis à la porte: essai sur une joie qui dérange.Fabrice Hadjadj - 2011 - Paris: Éditions du Seuil.
    Vous avez peut-être lu l'Enfer de Dante mais jamais son Paradis : il équivaut à vos yeux à un néant immaculé. Or le paradis dantesque est bien plus différencié et violent que son enfer. Béatrice y déclare au poète : " Si tu voyais mon rire, tu serais réduit en cendres ". C'est pourquoi, au fond, vous mettez le paradis à la porte : vous redoutez l'exigence de sa joie. Et vous vous fabriquez à la place un petit paradis artificiel, (...)
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    Complex corpora and standards: a review of the CoMeRe project. [REVIEW]Ciara R. Wigham & Céline Poudat - 2020 - Corpus 20.
    Le présent article se propose de revenir sur le projet national CoMeRe (Communication Médiée par les Réseaux) en insistant sur la complexité du corpus développé. Constitué de quatorze sous-corpus variés, le corpus CoMeRe est un corpus de référence de la communication médiée par les réseaux en français. Quatorze enseignants-chercheurs de huit laboratoires différents se sont impliqués dans le projet et ont été guidés par trois mots clés lors de leurs collaborations : variété, standards et accès ouvert.Le corpus CoMeRe a ainsi (...)
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    La querelle des dispositifs: cinéma, installations, expositions.Raymond Bellour - 2012 - Paris: P.O.L.
    - Dites-moi au moins l'argument de la querelle. - Oh! il est si simple qu'il paraît pauvre face à tant de points de vue qui aménagent plus ou moins une dilution du cinéma dans l'art contemporain, et son histoire à l'intérieur de l'histoire de l'art. La projection vécue d'un film en salle, dans le noir, le temps prescrit d'une séance plus ou moins collective, est devenue et reste la condition d'une expérience unique de perception et de mémoire, définissant son spectateur (...)
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    Variational Approach for Learning Community Structures.Jun Jin Choong, Xin Liu & Tsuyoshi Murata - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-13.
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    La propuesta de Nietzsche: «ver lo necesario como bello».Luis Jiménez Moreno - 1996 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 13 (1):137-147.
    Es de notar desde e] principio la actitud afirmativa, superadora, en la filosofía de Nietzsche y su mediación para sentir y crear bellamente, pues él se toma en serio el problema de la estética, como la actividad propiamente metafísica, en sentido schopenhaueriano. Aquí referimos nuestra meditación al aforismo 276 de El Cay saber «Quiero aprender cada vez más, a ver lo necesario como bello en las cosas y así seré uno de los que embellecen las cosas. Amorfati: que esto desde (...)
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  42. (1 other version)Yŏksa sok ŭi Han'guk ch'ŏrhak.Chong-sŏng Yi - 2017 - Taejŏn Kwangyŏksi: Ch'ungnam Taehakkyo Ch'ulp'an Munhwawŏn.
    1. Tan'gun sinhwa ŭi wŏnhyŏngjŏk segyegwan kwa p'ungnyu chŏngsin -- 2. Wŏnhyo ŭi hwajaeng sasang kwa muaehaeng ŭi silch'ŏn -- 3. Ŭisang ŭi 'Hwaŏm ilsŭng pŏpkyedo' e nat'anan Hwaŏm sasang -- 4. Chinul ŭi Tono chŏmsu wa Chŏnghye ssangsu sasang -- 5. Sambong Chŏng To-jŏn ŭi Pulgyo paech'ŏk ŭi naeyong kwa sŏngkyŏk -- 6. T'oegye Yi Hwang ŭi ch'ŏrhakchŏk ipchang kwa 'Kyŏng' sasang -- 7. Kobong Ki Tae-sŭng ŭi hangmun chŏngsin kwa ch'ŏrhak sasang -- 8. Ugye Sŏng Hon ŭi Tohakchŏk (...)
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    Linking Market Orientation and Environmental Performance: The Influence of Environmental Strategy, Employee’s Environmental Involvement, and Environmental Product Quality.Yang Chen, Guiyao Tang, Jiafei Jin, Ji Li & Pascal Paillé - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 127 (2):479-500.
    As it has become more and more urgent to solve the problems of environmental protection, we consider it necessary to conduct multilevel studies to examine the impact of business strategy on both employees’ and firms’ performances in environmental protection. Synthesizing the perspectives of strategic orientation, corporate strategy, and firm performance, we propose a comprehensive theoretical model linking market orientation and environmental performance. Based on a survey of 134 matched chief executive officers, senior marketing managers and frontline workers from Chinese firms, (...)
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  44. A Theory of Necessities.Andrew Bacon & Jin Zeng - 2022 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 51 (1):151-199.
    We develop a theory of necessity operators within a version of higher-order logic that is neutral about how fine-grained reality is. The theory is axiomatized in terms of the primitive of *being a necessity*, and we show how the central notions in the philosophy of modality can be recovered from it. Various questions are formulated and settled within the framework, including questions about the ordering of necessities under strength, the existence of broadest necessities satisfying various logical conditions, and questions about (...)
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    Jonathan Edwards on Justification: Reform Development of the Doctrine in Eighteenth-Century New England.Hyun-Jin Cho - 2012 - Upa.
    Jonathan Edwards was a preacher, theologian, and missionary to the Native Americans. This book asserts that Jonathan Edwards stood firmly on the Reformed tradition in the doctrine of justification.
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    Mirae sŏnjin Han'guk ŭi haengjŏng yŏn'gu.Ho-jin Ch'oe (ed.) - 2008 - Kyŏnggi-do P'aju-si: Pŏmmunsa.
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    Mom ŭi yŏndaegi: Tong Asia mom ŭi yŏksa wa ch'ŏrhak.U. -jin Chŏng - 2021 - Kyŏnggi-do Koyang-si: Sonamu.
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    Pŏnyŏk Sohak kwa Sohak ŏnhae yŏn'gu.Hyŏn-jin Cho - 2015 - Sŏul-si: Tosŏ Ch'ulp'an Pagijŏng.
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  49. Pŭrameltŭ ŭi kyoyuk sasang.Yong-jin Cho - 1977
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  50.  10
    Tong Asia Yugyo Munhwa Ŭi Saeroun Chihyang.Yŏng-jin Chʻoe & Chun-ho Chi (eds.) - 2004 - Chʻŏngŏram Midiŏ.
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